Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (hereinafter “TA CR”) announces the results of the CET Partnership Call 2023 focused on research in the field of energy transition (clean energy). Of the 17 projects submitted by Czech applicants to this Call, TA CR will support following seven successful projects:
- Enhance Europe (Energy Harvesting Collectors for Urban Road Pavement)
- CladPipe4H2 (Clad pipes for safe and effective hydrogen transport and storage)
- Core-H2storage (Cost – and resource-efficient storage of hydrogen at ambient temperature and a maximum pressure of 3.5 Mpa)
- Genius Fuels (Gasification and Electrolysis Novel Integration Used for Sustainable Fuels)
- HYDROMINE (Pumped HYDROelectric Storage in post MINEd areas to support regional net-zero emission energy systems development)
- RENvolveIT (Regional Energy Networking – cross-sectional involvement through a modular interactive toolbox)
- UPCHANGE (Urban Positive Clean neigHborhood energy trAnsition: driving innovative solutions for Renovation, diGitalisation and energy Efficiency)
The aim of the call was to support projects in seven thematic configurations, the so-called “Transition Initiatives” (TRIs) and 11 sub-thematic “Call Modules”. Czech applicants could participate in the following themes:
TRI 1 – Integrated Net-zero-emissions Energy System
Call Module 1: Direct current (DC) technologies for power networks
TRI 3 – Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS
Call Module 4: Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)
Call Module 5: Hydrogen and renewable fuels
TRI 5 – Integrated regional energy systems
Call Module 8: Integrated Regional Energy Systems
TRI 7 – Integration in the built environment
Call Module 10A: R&I for clean energy integration in the built environment (ROA)
Call Module 10B: R&I for clean energy integration in the built environment (IOA)