How to connect with an already registered organization?

  • First, log in to SISTA the way you are used to:
  • e-mail and password
  • google account
  • identification means (NIA, bankID, IIG – International ID Gateway, ….)
  • When you log in, the following options are available on the home screen:
  • identify yourself
  • connect to an organization (registration)

note: Without identification, it is not possible to connect to an organization (either to an already registered organization or to register it). If you have already been identified in the past, you will no longer have this option available on the home screen.

  • Click on the “Link” button and fill in the ID number of the registering organization.
  • Then, if the subject is already registered with SISTA, you will be asked to confirm that you want to link to the subject. If you confirm by selecting “Continue”, a request will be sent to the administrator of the registered subject and you will be notified by notification once the request has been processed.

If the subject is not registered, it must first be registered. Instructions for this step can be found at web SISTA.