ERA-MIN 3 Call 2023 is open

The ERA-MIN Joint Transnational Call 2023 is open. Deadline for proposals submission is 30 March 2023, 17:00 CET.

The scope of the 2023 Call is needs-driven research addressing three segments of non-fuel, non-food raw materials: metallic minerals; construction materials; industrial minerals.

The five main call topics, are:

  • Topic 1. Supply of raw materials from exploration and mining
  • Topic 2. Strengthening the Circular Economy
  • Topic 3. Processing, Production and ICT
  • Topic 4. Environmental assessment, climate and policy development for sustainability
  • Topic 5: Social sustainability in health, safety and public perception-cutting topics.

Proposals may address more than one topic and more than one of the sub-topics, subject to national/regional regulations

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) will support successful Czech applicants and their projects with the amount of 800 000 EUR. The maximum financial amount of support per project is EUR 350,000. The maximum intensity of support for the Czech side of the project is 85% of the total eligible costs of the project.Enterprises and research organizations can apply for TA CR funding. Funding rules for the Czech applicants are defined by a funding programme EPSILONThis call is financed from the National Recovery Plan within component 5.2 entitled “Support for research and development in companies and introduction of innovations into business practice” and its investment “Aid for research and development in synergy effects with the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation”.

Participating countries:

EU countries/regions and research funding organisations:

Belgium‐Flanders (VLAIO/FIO); Belgium‐Wallonia (SPW‐Recherche); Bulgaria (BNSF); Czech Republic (TA CR); Estonia (ETAg); Finland (Business Finland); Germany (PT JÜLICH); Ireland (GSI), Poland (NCBR); Portugal (FCT); Romania (UEFISCDI); Slovakia (SAS); Slovenia (MIZS); Spain (AEI); Spain – Basque Country (EJ/GV – Innobasque), Spain-Navarra (CFNA) and Sweden (Vinnova).

EU Associated country: Turkey (TUBITAK)

Non-EU countries: Canada-Québec (PRIMA-Québec) and South-Africa (DSI).

Online CALL LAUNCH EVENT on 14 December 2022 from 14:30 to 16:30 (CET). 

A new ERA-MIN3 Partner Search Tool is now live. The partnering tool helps you to find cooperation possibilities within the ERA-MIN Joint Calls.

For more information go to the website