About the project:

The goal of this project was to develop metallic bipolar plates (BPs) with a novel polymer coating with aligned conductive particles suitable for the use in energy conversion devices with polymer exchange membrane (PEM). The effort was shared between three parties – University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCTP), SINTEF AF and CondAlign. At CondAlign the main focus has been the development of the processes for the preparation of the coatings and the preparation itself. The preparation has been conducted in cooperation with project partner SINTEF. SINTEF and UCTP collaborated in the effort to characterize the samples in in-situ and ex-situ setups. Furthermore, a cost analysis model and a mathematical model of the PEM with stamped metallic BPs have been developed. Two generations of coating strategies have been demonstrated. The first utilizing resins that are cured by UV light and the second utilizing resins cured by heat / elevated temperature. Through the execution of the project activities, it has been demonstrated that preparation and manufacturing of durable coatings with aligned conductive particles is feasible and that functional coatings can be realized. Using the mathematical model, an optimized geometry of the flow field channels for stamped metallic bipolar plates has been proposed. Altogether, the results obtained widen the knowledge about the promising technology of PEM fuel cells with metallic BPs, opening a way for a potential commercialization.


A comprehensive literature research has been performed, focusing on selection of the coating materials showing most promising properties for the desired application. In the next step, series of samples of polymeric films, as well as films deposited on the stainless steel simulating bipolar plated was produced. The target was also to set-up and validate corresponding characterization methods at the individual project partners. These experiments have shown, that the some of the last generation samples have achieved during this ex-situ testing parameters close, or already fulfilling project targets regarding the mentioned parameters. This is very promising considering the early stage of the project. Within the framework of the novel technology of the bipolar plates production and application technoeconomic feasibility study collection of necessary input data has started together with laying down ground work for the analysis and comparison of the proposed solutions. Another task represents mathematical modelling of a PEM type fuel cell. Within the first year of the project, two-dimensional model of the fuel cell was developed and implemented in the COMSOL Multiphysics environment.


Following progress has been achieved within the second year of the project. Within WP1 optimisation of the materials used to produce protective layer continued also within the second year of the project. Based on the results achieved within the first year of the project and in close collaboration with WP2, new set of materials was proposed ensuring the film will not be only sufficiently conductive, but also corrosion resistant. Despite Czech and Norwegian side use slightly different experimental methodologies within this task, round robin has shown, the results follow identical trends. Whereas within this part of the WP2 basic characteristics of the prepared protective films were identified, within the second part of this WP corrosion stability of the metallic materials, or their modifications, were determined. This allowed to identify materials most promising for this particular application. Outputs from the previous two WPs play an important role in the WP3 focusing on techno-economic assessment of the approach to the bipolar plates production studied and simulation of the bipolar plate structure impact on the resulting fuel cell performance. Within the framework of the techno-economic analysis, the bill of material was chosen at this stage to provide basic comparison of competing approaches to the bipolar plate production. This approach represent optimal approach at this stage, as information allowing to define the production costs are still not sufficient to reach required accuracy of the data. WP4 was focused on the of coordination, management, communication. The part of the WP4 was securing publicity of the project; these activities such as a presentation at Open days and other public events are organized throughout the project duration in order to give visibility to the project implementation and its outputs.


During the third year of the project, the main focus was on developing highly innovative bipolar plates made of stainless steel, covered with structured electrically conductive film. This film consists of a polymer matrix filled with electrically conductive particles aligned using an electrostatic field. Research efforts focused on improving film quality and on optimising methods for film application on the stainless steel support. Test results showed promising outcomes in terms of plate durability and performance. Also mathematical modelling, including technoeconomic analysis, progressed significantly. It allowed to obtain important new knowledge in this field. Beside this, a significant effort was dedicated to project management and promotion. Project outputs include scientific publications, functional sample, a patent application, and conference presentations. Despite publications delay caused by the intellectual property protection associated with a patent application, the project remains on track as per the approved project plan.


The project is in the final phase of completion and is reaching the defined milestones. During the extension of the CORE project, the focus continued to be on the development of highly innovative bipolar plates based on stainless steel, covered with a structured, electrically conductive film. It consists of a polymer matrix and electrically conductive particles aligned using an electric field. The solution followed the structure of 4 work packages including the production of a structured protective film, testing of the manufactured bipolar plates, mathematical modeling for the optimization of gas distribution channels geometry and techno-economic analysis of the chosen bipolar plates protection technology. The last work package concerns the management of the project and the dissemination of the achieved results. As part of work package 1, attention was focused on the completion of experiments with the second generation of protective films. In addition to gold-coated glass beads, also ceramic fillers, mainly TiNbased, were used as the electron-conductive phase.

At the same time, CondAlign devoted its attention to the issue of upscaling the existing laboratory film preparation to an industrial production. Primarily, based on their commercial experience, a “roll-to-roll” process was developed, enabling the necessary production capacity to be reached. A new activity within this work package was the issue of applying a protective film to the surface of a bipolar plate with implemented distribution channels, or forming channels into an already protected bipolar plate. Work package 2 primarily focused on the characterization of bipolar plate samples prepared within work package 1. The other activity consisted in the collection of experimental data necessary to set the input parameters for the mathematical models developed within work package 3 and the subsequent validation of these models. The cooperation between work packages 1 and 2 made it possible to increase the quality of the manuscript of the article submitted for review in an impacted journal representing one of the mandatory outputs of the project. Thanks to the considerable amount of obtained experimental data, the manuscript of the third publication, which was not planned in the project application, was prepared. The aim of work package 3 was then mainly to complete the technical-economic analysis of the studied innovative technology of protecting the surface of bipolar plates and to finalize the first of the manuscripts of publications in impacted professional periodicals. The performed parametric studies made it possible to obtain sufficiently high-quality materials to answer the opponents’ comments on the first version of the manuscript. The article was thus accepted for publication.

During the last period of the project, a significant attention was paid to the last work package 4. It was due to the increased demands on the coordination of the project connected with the approaching end of its funding. Additionally, significant effort was invested also to disseminate the results achieved. These activities can be briefly summarized as follows. One manuscript has been accepted for publication in an
impacted journal. Two other manuscripts are currently under review. Furthermore, a series of webinars on the topic of metallic bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells was organized under umbrella of the CORE project. Last, but not least, a series of four lectures presenting the results of the project was presented at renowned international conferences. Dissemination activities thus significantly exceeded the planned scope. The issue of manuscripts in the review process remains open at this point. The review process cannot be influenced by the authors in any way. It is thus necessary to wait for the editor’s decision. For that reason, the TA CR was asked to postpone documenting the achievement of these results for 180 days. In conclusion, it can be stated that the solution of the project went according to plan and the achieved results significantly exceed the originally planned ones, two articles in scientific journals being an exception. This fact is primarily due to the protection of intellectual property related to the filed patent. Currently, one manuscript has already been accepted for publication and two others are undergoing peer review.

Beneficiary and project partners:

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze

The CORE project benefits from a € 1.3 mil. grant from Norway Grants and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The project is carried out under the KAPPA funding programme for applied research, experimental development and innovation, managed by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.