The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) announces the results of the evaluation with regard to fulfilling of the conditions of project proposals submitted to the 4th Call for Proposals of the DELTA 2 Programme for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation, which has been announced on the 18th of May 2022.
36 project proposals out of a total of 38 project proposals submitted to this Call for Proposals have met the call conditions and proceed to the further evaluation. TA CR will send the decision on rejection of a Project Proposal in the Call for Proposals to the main applicants of the non-accepted projects, including the justification.
Results of the evaluation of fulfillment of the conditions of the 4th Call for Proposals of the DELTA 2 Programme:
The TA CR Board approved the results of the eligibility check on August 8th 2022.
In order for the project proposal to be accepted, as stated in the Call documentation, the project proposal must also be accepted by one of the forein organizations. For this reason, the results will be published in the following online table, which will be updated on an ongoing basis based on the information on acceptance/rejection that TA CR receives from said foreign organizations.
You can find the list of accepted/rejected project proposals here.