ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN 2) is public-public partnership based on the ERA-NET Cofund scheme under Horizon 2020. ERA-MIN 2 aims to implement an European-wide coordination of research and innovation programmes on raw materials to strengthen the industry, competitiveness and the shift to a circular economy.

The objective of the ERA-MIN 2 is to strengthen the coordination of national and regional research programmes in the field of non-energy non-agricultural raw materials by implementing several activities.

The call is planned to be launched on 28 November 2019, call for proposals ends on 12 March 2020.

The thematic areas are:

  • Supply of raw materials from exploration and mining
  • Design
  • Processing, Production and Remanufacturing
  • Recycling and Re-use of End-of-Life Products

Cross-cutting topics: New business models; Improvement of methods or data for environmental impact assessment; Social acceptance and trust/public perception of raw materials.

We encourage proposals that integrate cross-cutting topics if supported by their funding organisations.

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Use Partner Search Tools available here

Participating countries and regions 

EU countries/regions: Belgium-Brussels; Belgium-Flanders; Belgium-Wallonia; Czech Republic; Finland; France; Greece; Ireland; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain – Andalucía; Spain – Castilla y Léon; Sweden.

EU Associated country: Turkey 
Non-EU countries: Brazil; Canada-Québec; Chile; South Africa.he updated list of participating countries will be published on page of the ERA-MIN website and in September 2019.