ETA Programme

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The ETA programme supporting research, experimental development and innovation of applied social sciences and humanities (hereinafter referred to as the “Programme”) was approved by Czech Government Resolution No. 37 on the 16th of January 2017.FOCUS OF THE PROGRAMME

The programme will promote the incorporation of social sciences and humanities into projects of applied research, experimental development and innovation, which are beneficial for maintaining and improving the quality of human life in response to dynamic social, economic, globalization, cultural and technological transformations. The programme will support projects that focus on one or more of the following aspects:

  • utilizing the benefits of multidisciplinary approaches,
  • linking technical and non-technical research,
  • extracting potential outputs of basic research for application.


The aim of the programme is to strengthen social and human dimensions in activities of applied research, experimental development and innovation and apply the outputs of these activities in the form of new or substantially improved existing products, procedures, processes or services in the following areas:

  1. man and society in the context of dynamic social and technological changes and challenges of the 21st century,
  2. man and the environment for his life in the context of sustainable development of the countryside, regions, cities and municipalities and building culture,
  3. man and the economy in the context of the emergence of new competitive advantages and development of competence for the 21st century,
  4. man and the social system in the context of the interaction between citizens and the state, public policies, administration and public services oriented towards citizens.


The duration of the programme is expected to be 6 years from 2018 to 2023. The public tender in research, experimental development and innovation (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Tender”) for the selection of projects for the programme is expected to be announced for the first time in 2017, with the support being provided from 2018. Subsequently, a Public Tender will be organized annually between 2018 and 2021, with the support being provided between 2019 and 2022. The focus of the Public Tenders will be in accordance with the outputs of the relevant platforms for research of social sciences and humanities. The duration of the programme may be extended based on an interim evaluation of the programme, as well as the outputs of platforms for research of social sciences and humanities linked to the R&DI Council. The minimum duration of the projects in this programme is 12 months. The estimated maximum duration of the projects is three years. The period of implementation of the projects of research, development and innovation shall not exceed the duration of the programme.TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON THE PROGRAMME

The total expenditure for the duration of the programme is established based on an analysis of the absorption capacity, an evaluation of the existing Public Tenders relevant to the fields of social sciences and humanities and will be allocated in accordance with the gradual announcement of the various Public Tenders. The estimated average level of support for the programme is 80%. The total expenditure of the programme from the state budget will be 2,400 million CZK.