Programme of applied research, experimental development and innovation GAMA (hereinafter referred to as the “GAMA programme”) was approved by Government Resolution No. 455 of the 12th of June 2013.
The programme aims to support the verification of the results of applied research and experimental development (hereinafter referred to as “R&DI”) in terms of their practical application and to prepare their subsequent commercial use. The main objective of the programme is to support and significantly streamline the transformation of R&DI results achieved in research organizations and/or in collaboration between research organizations and enterprises into practical applications to enable their commercialization and support their implementation.
The programme is divided into two sub-programmes with different methods of implementation and recipients.
Sub-programme 1 is aimed at supporting verification of the practical use of R&DI results that were created in research organizations and have high potential for application in new or improved products, manufacturing processes or services with high added value and high probability of competitiveness. Sub-programme 1 is also focused on systemic support of the stages of R&DI, beginning with the identification of practically utilizable results of R&DI and ending with verifying the possibility of their use as a commercial model, functional sample or prototype. Recipients can only be research organizations.
Sub-programme 2 is aimed at supporting projects of applied research and experimental development especially leading to the commercialization of the achieved results, which the programme will not support. The support will be provided for projects involving the completion of functional prototypes, verification of their properties, verification of test series and evaluation of all technological, economic, social, health and other impacts of new products or services. Recipients can only enterprises. Research organizations may participate as other project participants.
The planned duration of the programme is 6 years (2014-2019). The first public tender will be announced in 2013, with the provision of support commencing in 2014. Subsequently, public tenders will be announced annually for Sub-programme 1 from 2013 to 2016 with the provision of support commencing from 2014 to 2017, and for Sub-programme 2 from 2013 to 2017 with the provision of support commencing from 2014 to 2018, only in the event that projects with the same subject of support are not financed in the Czech Republic by the upcoming Operational Programme “Research, Development and Education” or “Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness”.
Total expenditure on the programme will be 2,770 million CZK, of which 1,798 million CZK will be covered from the state budget. The expenditure shall be provided for each year of the duration of the programme in accordance with the expected announcement of the individual public tenders.
Projects supported by the GAMA programme must (in accordance with the applicable Methodology of evaluation of research organizations, and evaluation of completed programmes, and the Register of Information on Results) lead to the achievement of at least one of the following types of results:
P – Patent
G – Technically realized results – prototype, functional sample
Z – Pilot operation, verified technology
R – Software
F – Results with legal protection – utility model, industrial designThe results achieved in Sub-programme 2 must have a particular user.