Payment of financial support 2024

Dear beneficiaries, we inform You that the financial support for 2024 has been sent to the bank accounts of all the main beneficiaries of the implemented projects. In this context, we would like to remind you of a few key points that are essential for the smooth running of all projects:

  • Distribution of financial support:

According to the Project Contract, the main beneficiaries are obliged to provide the relevant part of the funding to project partners  in their projects.

  • Verification of receipt of aid:

All project partners are encouraged to confirm that they have received their part of the funding. In case the funding has been sent incorrectly, please inform TA CR without any delay. Your active communication helps us ensure that the implementation process runs smoothly and without unnecessary delays.

  • Support for new projects:

We also inform beneficiaries of newly supported projects that we will send the funding within 60 days from the day the Project Contract comes into effect. Your patience and understanding at this stage are very valuable to us.

  • Change of bank accounts:

If your bank account has changed, please inform us of this change as soon as possible. Any delay in this communication may result in an extension of the support payment deadline.

Finally, we would like to thank You for Your continued trust and cooperation. We wish You much success in the implementation of Your projects in 2024.