About programme
The PRODEF programme supporting applied research and innovation (hereinafter referred to as the “programme”) was approved by the Czech Government Resolution No. 300 on the 7rd of May 2024.
The PRODEF programme shall be implemented in accordance with the currently valid strategic and conceptual documents, with a focus on the area of research, development and innovation, and on the area of the defence industry.
The Programme is focussed on supporting projects that, in accordance with Article 25(2)(b) and (c) and Article 25e of the Regulation and Article 1.3(e) of the Frameworks fall into the category of applied research (includes industrial research, experimental development or their combination), as well as innovations according to Articles 28 and 29 of the Regulation and Article 1.3(t) and (bb) of the Framework.
The Programme is used to fulfil synergistic and complementary effects, especially with the European Defence Fund (hereinafter referred to as the “EDF”) and possible follow-on programmes. It shall also focus on independent defence industry projects of national importance. For that reason, the Programme is divided into two sub-programmes, each of which has a different method of selecting and evaluating projects.
The main objective of the Programme is the further development of national R&D in the field of the defence industry, by increasing the involvement of Czech entities in international chains and consortia, and strengthening the technological level of Czech entities that already work or can work in defence R&D, while also increasing multidisciplinarity through the involvement of entities that have not yet been active in defence R&D.
The main objective of the Programme is the further development of national R&D in the field of the defence industry, by increasing the involvement of Czech entities in international chains and consortia, and strengthening the technological level of Czech entities that already work or can work in defence R&D, while also increasing multidisciplinarity through the involvement of entities that have not yet been active in defence R&D.
Sub-programme 1 – Support of Czech Applicants in EDF Calls for Proposals
This sub-programme is aimed at facilitating the fulfilment of the conditions set out in the EDF calls for proposals (according to the EDF Regulation) or the follow-up programme. Implementation will take place in the form of national funding of the activities of Czech entities in EDF calls for proposals.
The sub-programme focuses on supporting successful projects within the framework of individual EDF calls for proposals; therefore, the funding of these projects will support excellence, as the projects have succeeded on a European-wide level.
Sub-programme 2 – National Calls for Proposals in Defence Research
The sub-programme is focused on applied research and innovation projects in the areas of modern emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) that may be used for the needs of the Czech Armed Forces.
Furthermore, it will include applied research and innovation projects directed in terms of content to the areas established in the Concept of Defence Applied Research, Development and Innovation 2023-2029 and in accordance with key technologies from the point of view of ensuring the essential security interests of the State and the capabilities of the defence industry of the Czech Republic contained in the Armament Strategy and support for the development of the defence industry of the Czech Republic until 2030.
In response to current development trends, these priorities also include electronic warfare, joint fire support (development of unmanned systems and protection against them, development of ammunition for artillery and mortar units), engineering support (replacement of the human crew), medical security (development of medical procedures, equipment and material, medical protection of troops) or other areas that will be established in the updated conceptual documents of the Department of the Ministry of Defence or that will correspond to the current and future priorities and needs of the Czech Armed Forces.
Another acceptable area is the funding of projects in the field of social sciences, humanities, and arts, which will focus, for example, on systemic support of personnel and the development of work with troops (e.g., based on the current wording of the Concept of Care for War Veterans) or on the development other processes based on the obligations defined in Act No. 219/1999 on the Czech Armed Forces. Furthermore, according to the recommendations and commitments, for example, from the Concept of Preparing Citizens for the Defence of the State.
The duration of the Programme is expected to be for the period between 2024 and 2031, i.e., eight years. The first call for proposal in Sub-programme 2 is expected to be announced in 2024. Subsequently, calls for proposals in Sub-programme 2 are expected to be announced in 2026 and 2028. The announcement of national calls for proposals for the funding of projects from Sub-programme 1 shall depend on the timing of the announcement of the calls for proposals from the European Defence Fund (hereinafter referred to as the referred to as “EDF”) and subsequent programmes.
The maximum length of project implementation from both sub-programmes must not exceed the duration of the Programme.
The total expenditure for the duration of the Programme is established based on an analysis of absorption capacity, evaluation of existing call for proposals relevant to the field of defence industry. The total expenditure from the state budget for the PRODEF programme is 6 120 million CZK. The expected average level of support for the programme is 60%.