THETA Programme

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The THETA programme supporting applied research, experimental development and innovation (hereinafter referred to as the “Programme”) was approved by Czech Government Resolution No.1 173 on the 19th of December 2016.


The focus of the programme is based on the updated National Energy Policy of the Czech Republic, which was approved by the Government of the Czech Republic in May 2015. The programme is aimed at supporting projects whose results have a high potential for application in many areas of the society-wide life of the population of the Czech Republic. The programme will help to ensure that public funds invested in applied research will bring economic or other social benefits from their implementation. The acquired knowledge will contribute to defining the factors and processes that determine and affect the functioning and development of Czech society, in the context of the ongoing European integration and globalization of world energy. This programme expects to implement projects that focus on industrial research (including important activities of targeted basic research) and support projects with a predominance of experimental development.


The aim of the programme is to contribute in the medium and long term to fulfilling the vision of transformation and modernization of the energy sector in accordance with the approved strategic materials through the outputs, results and impacts of the supported projects. This aim will be achieved by supporting research, development and innovation in the energy sector with a focus on:

  • supporting projects in the public interest,
  • new technologies and systemic components with a high potential for rapid application in practice,
  • promoting long-term technological perspectives.


For the purpose of achieving the aim, the programme is divided into three sub-programmes based on focus and scope and they are mutually supported and complementary.
Sub-programme 1 – Research in the public interest

The aim of this sub-programme is to improve the management of the energy sector from the side of the public administration and to create strategic and policy documents through the support of research and development in the energy sector with a focus on supporting research and development projects in the public interest. In this regard, it primarily deals with support for research and development in the field of the reliability and technological development of nuclear installations, energy regulation and other relevant areas of the energy sector.

Sub-programme 2 – Strategic energy technologies

The aim of this sub-programme is to contribute in the medium and long term to fulfilling the vision of transformation and modernization of the energy sector, in accordance with the approved strategic materials, through the support of research, development and innovation in the areas of energy technology and systemic components with a high potential for rapid application in new products, manufacturing processes and services. In this respect, the sub-programme (and the entire programme) also reflects the need for a sectoral approach to energy.

Sub-programme 3 – Long-term technological perspectives

The aim of this sub-programme is to support long-term technology perspectives in the energy sector, which will be implemented through research and development activities of research organizations in particular. It will involve, inter alia, (usually long-term) applied research projects (with the inclusion of important activities of targeted basic research), which are not expected to be applied immediately, and which will support systemic energy solutions.


The duration of the programme is expected to be 8 years, from 2018 to 2025. The public tender in applied research, experimental development and innovation (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Tender”) for the selection of projects for the programme will be announced for the first time in 2017, with the support being provided from 2018. Subsequently, a Public Tender is expected to be announced annually between 2018 and 2023. The maximum duration of the projects in this programme is 8 years. On average, projects are typically expected to last for 36 months. The duration of the projects shall not exceed the duration of the programme.


The total expenditure for the duration of the programme is established based on an analysis of absorption capacity, evaluation of existing Public Tenders relevant to the field of energy. The total expenditure from the state budget for the THÉTA programme is 4,000 million CZK. The expected average level of support for the programme is 70%. The maximum allowable aid intensity for projects in sub-programmes 1 and 3 is 100%, and in sub-programme 2 is 80%.