Call 2020
Launch of the Call April 20, 2020
Deadline for proposal submission September 24, 2020
Notification of accepted proposals November/December 2020
Indicative Call budget of TA CR 500 000 EUR
Applicants only applicants of running national projects from the National Theta Program are eligible applicants
TA CR Contact Person
Kristina Nehilčová
+420 234 611 629
- Contributing to the climate-neutral city: Holistic approaches for PED implementation
- Embeddedness in local contexts: Applied approaches for integrating PEDs in different urban contexts and the legal framework
- Engagement and governance: Urban governance, stakeholder involvement concepts and business models
Participating countries
Austria (FFG), Belgium (Brussels Capital Region) (Innoviris), Czech Republic (TACR) and Sweden (SWEA)
List of national contact points
General conditions for application
Only applicants of running national projects from the National Theta Program are eligible applicants from Czech Republic.
Applicants can come from organisations such as*:
- Companies (from industry/large companies to SMEs), especially public utility companies (e.g. in the field of energy supply, other communal supply and disposal systems, …); energy service providers; real estate developers, investors, facility management providers; actors from the fields of energy, spatial and transport planning
- Cities, municipalities, regions
- Consumers (e.g. business enterprises, test households, etc.)
- Citizens’ representatives, NGOs
- Research organisations (universities, university colleges, research institutes or other authorities with research undertakings)
Consortia may consist of partners active across several positions within the research and development system (i.e. applied research, innovation/implementation) and across disciplines (natural sciences, economic and social sciences, humanities, and engineering).
*Please note that a specific funding agency may not fund each type of organisation. If a partner is not eligible for funding, the partner can still participate as cooperation partner. For further information see Annex A in the call text.
Electronic sumission system
Go to Online Submission System
Call Text
Tutorial for online submission system
Proposal Form
Financial sheet for proposals
List of national contact points
National eligibility criteria
Call presentation: Joint PED Call
Call Flyer
Documents for Czech applicants are here in section “Dokumenty”.
About Positive Energy Districts
With this first of a series of calls on the topic of Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods (PED/PEN), JPI Urban Europe invites transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral communities of researchers and practitioners to create projects with focus on smaller-scale joint R&I projects (duration 1-2 years) on PED/PEN implementation, providing transnational alignment, comparison and exchange of experiences between ongoing (European) projects in different PED implementation phases, their integration in general urban strategies, stakeholder involvement strategies and the role of geographical/climatic conditions. The results from projects granted in this call should help to facilitate knowledge transfer and learning from different European contexts, cities and countries to create greater engagement and understanding in PED implementation processes.