Launch of the Call September 20, 2023
Deadline for pre-proposal submission November 22, 2023, 14:00 CET
Notification of accepted proposals June 2024
Indicative Call budget of TA CR 760 000 €
Maximum amount per project €175 000
Maximum funding rate (intensity) per project 80%
Applicants main applicant research organizations, enterprises
Website for Czech applicants:
TA CR Contact Person
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 is structured around the joint call text and 11 Call modules, The CETPartnership Joint Call 2023 is structured around the joint call text and 10 Call modules, provided by the TRIs. The joint call text contains general information about the call, applying to all applicants. The Call modules describe specific topics and/or challenges that applicants shall address in their project proposal. Applicants must choose and apply to a specific call module when submitting their project proposal. Evaluation and ranking of the project proposals will be performed separately per Call module.
TRI 1: Net-zero emissions energy system
- Call Module 1: Direct current (DC) technologies for power networks
- Call Module 2: Energy system flexibility: renewables production, storage and system integration
TRI 3: Storage technologies, renewable fuels and CCU/CCS
- Call Module 4: Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)
- Call Module 5: Hydrogen and renewable fuels
TRI 5: Regional energy systems
- Call Module 8: Integrated regional energy systems
TRI 7: Built environment
- Call Module 10A: R&I for clean energy integration in the built environment (ROA)
- Call Module 10B: R&I for clean energy integration in the built environment (IOA)
Participating countries
Belgium (FIO, SPW), Czech Republic (TA CR), Denmark (EUDP, IFD), Estonia (ETAg, MKM), Finland (BF), France (ANR, ADEME, RPL – Pays de la Loire), India (DST), Ireland (GSI, SEAI), Iceland (RANNIS), Italy (MUR, MiSE), Israel (IMNIEWR), Canada, Cyprus (RIF), Lithuania (ENMIN), Latvia (LZP), Hungary (NKFIH), Malta (MCST), Germany (BMWK, MWIDE, SMWK – Saxony), Netherlands (NWO, RVO), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCBR), Portugal (FCT), Austria (FFG), Romania (UEFISCDI), Greece (GSRT), Scotland (SCOTENT), Spain (AEI, EVE, FICYT, CDTI, EUSKADI, SODERCAN), Sweden (SWEA), Switzerland (DETEC, SNSF), Tunisia (MHESR), Turkey (TUBITAK), USA (DOE)
General conditions for application
Project consortia must include at least three independent legal entities from at least three different countries participating in the CETPartnership Joint Call 2023, out of which at least two must be EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries.
- Applicants not asking for funding are welcome to participate in addition to the minimum consortium requirement.
- Project consortia must fulfil the Call module specific requirements of what type of partners to involve. Please find any specific requirements within the respective Call module.
- Project proposals must be written in English and submitted to the CETPartnership Application System before the deadline.
- Designated proposal forms must be used.
- Applicants must be eligible for funding according to their Funding Partner’s national/regional requirements
Will be published
Official Call documents are available here.
Documents for Czech applicants are here in section “Dokumenty”.
CETPartnership Call 2022
Launch of the Call September 14, 2022
Deadline for pre-proposal submission November 23, 2022, 14:00 CET
Notification of accepted proposals June 2023
Indicative Call budget of TA CR €2 450 000
Maximum amount per project:
Call Module within 1, 3, 5: no limitation
Call Module 7.1 within TRL 7: €175 000
Call Module 7.2 within TRL 7: €175 000
Maximum funding rate (intensity) per project: 85%
Applicants main applicant: research organizations, enterprises
Website for Czech applicants:
TA CR Contact Person
This call is financed from the National Recovery Plan within component 5.2 entitled “Support for research and development in companies and introduction of innovations into business practice” and its investment “Aid for research and development in synergy effects with the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation”.
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 is structured around the joint call text and 11 Call modules, provided by the TRIs. The joint call text contains general information about the call, applying to all applicants. The Call modules describe specific topics and/or challenges that applicants shall address in their project proposal. Applicants must choose and apply to a specific call module when submitting their project proposal. Evaluation and ranking of the project proposals will be performed separately per Call module.
However, Czech applicants will be able to participate only in the following Call Modules:
TRI 1 – Optimised integrated European net-zero emissions energy system
Call Module 1.1: PowerPlanningTools
Call Module 1.2: RESDemoPowerFlex
TRI 3 – Enabling climate neutrality with storage technologies, hydrogen and renewable fuels and CCU/CCS
Call Module 3.1: CCU/CCS technologies
Call Module 3.2: Hydrogen and renewable fuels
TRI 5 – Integrated regional energy systems
Call Module 5.1: Integrated Regional Energy Systems
TRI 7 – Integration in the built environment
Call Module 7.1: R&I in clean energy integration in the built environment
Call Module 7.2: Solutions to energy transition in the built environment
Participating countries
Belgium (FIO, SPW), Czech Republic (TA CR), Denmark (EUDP, IFD), Estonia (ETAg, MKM), Finland (BF), France (ANR, ADEME, RPL – Pays de la Loire), Ireland (GSI, SEAI), Iceland (RANNIS), Italy (MUR, MiSE), Israel (IMNIEWR), Canada, Cyprus (RIF), Lithuania (ENMIN), Latvia (LZP), Hungary (NKFIH), Malta (MCST), Germany (BMWK, MWIDE, SMWK – Saxony), Netherlands (NWO, RVO), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCBR), Portugal (FCT), Austria (FFG), Romania (UEFISCDI), Greece (GSRT), Scotland (SCOTENT), Spain (AEI, EVE, FICYT, CDTI, EUSKADI, SODERCAN), Sweden (SWEA), Switzerland (DETEC, SNSF), Turkey (TUBITAK), USA (DOE)
General conditions for application
Project consortia must include at least three independent legal entities from at least three different countries participating in the CETPartnership Joint Call 2022, out of which at least two must be EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries.
- Applicants not asking for funding are welcome to participate in addition to the minimum consortium requirement.
- Project consortia must fulfil the Call module specific requirements of what type of partners to involve. Please find any specific requirements within the respective Call module.
- Project proposals must be written in English and submitted to the CETPartnership Application System before the deadline.
- Designated proposal forms must be used.
- Applicants must be eligible for funding according to their Funding Partner’s national/regional requirements
Czech-Polish Workshop on European Partnerships – CET, DUT & Water4All
4th October 2022, 10:00 a.m. on Zoom Platform
Registration available here. The deadline for registration is 26 September 2022.
More information here.
Electronic submission system
Official Call documents are available here.
Documents for Czech applicants are here in section “Dokumenty”.
About clean energy transition (cet) partnership
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a multilateral and strategic partnership of national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) programmes in European Member States and Associated Countries with the aim to substantially support the implementation of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan). It will contribute to higher level European policy goals towards Stepping up EU 2030 Climate Ambitions and the New European Research Area with the ultimate objective to achieve a climate-neutral society by 2050. The CETPartnership will also address the strategies outlined in the latest EC communications e.g. A Clean Planet for all and the European Green Deal.
CETPartnership Mission
CETPartnership aims to empower the energy transition and contribute to the EU’s goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. It pools national and regional RDI funding for the broad variety of technologies and system solutions required to make this transition. CEPT envisions a transition driven by industry, public institutions, academia and citizens groups that will make Europe the front-runner in clean energy innovation and implementation.